Live Independent and Live Life to the Fullest
Opportunities, Inc. can help an elderly adult with a developmental disability live independently. Our program to help them live independently is designed to give them the best care and help possible.
For persons with disabilities, living on your own can be hard, so we try to give our clients the tools and help they need to do it safely and effectively. Our program is made to fit their needs and gives them the individual care and help they need to live independently.
With our independent living program, our adults with disabilities can enjoy a full range of activities and services. We provide access to housing assistance, medical care, transportation, and employment assistance. We also offer recreational activities, educational opportunities, and social programs.
Our program teaches them to be independent and take care of themselves so that they can live their lives to the fullest. We are committed to helping adults with disabilities achieve their goals and providing them with the tools and support they need to live independently.

Opportunities, Inc. provides personalized care and assistance for elderly adults with developmental disabilities so that they can live independently. Our independent living program is carefully tailored to meet your individual needs. It gives them access to help with housing, medical care, transportation, help finding work, fun things to do, educational opportunities, social programs, and more.